....“Barack the Magic Negro,” an edgy satire of Obama`s celebrity and popularity with white voters that was written by Paul Shanklin and played numerous times on Rush`s show.While serving as guest host of Bill Bennett`s radio show, RNC Chairman Michael Steele agreed with a caller`s description of President Obama as Barack the Magic Negro
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(The term `Barack the Magic Negro” was first used& .UPDATED: Rush Limbaugh has angered many black employees over this parody song called "Barack the Magic Negro" This isn`t the first or t. One of Saltsman`s rivals in the& ...
. Email.... This is in contrast to his condemnation of this attack&
This is in contrast to his condemnation of this attack& ..Usually the holidays are a dead zone for political news, but we can thank Chip Saltsman and the racist faction of the GOP for showing us the true spirit of the season for his gifting of a political satire CD with the track Barack the& .Imus gets canned for calling some college women basketball players "nappy-headed hos" and yet Rush Limbaugh plays "Barack The Magic Negro" on his show and he is still on the air? How is that even possible? To hear the& .***UPDATE*** 12/27 4:45PM Reaction on the right to Saltsman`s distribution of a song called "Barack the Magic Negro" in his quest to become the new chairman of the RNC has been mixed.I`ve been reading defenses of Rush Limbaugh`s "Barack, The Magic Negro" on right wing blogs for a while now and I often get the impression that the people defending the song as satire don`t actually get the point, and that&
I`ve been reading defenses of Rush Limbaugh`s "Barack, The Magic Negro" on right wing blogs for a while now and I often get the impression that the people defending the song as satire don`t actually get the point, and that& . RNC chair wannabee Chip Saltsman`s Christmas gift to RNC members was a CD that includes the Rush Limbaugh "satirical" tune, "Barack, the Magic Negro."& ..Taking a children`s song and twisting it in such vulgar, mean-spirited way, is a slur to our entire country and our common agreement to move beyond racism.
....“Barack the Magic Negro,” an edgy satire of Obama`s celebrity and popularity with white voters that was written by Paul Shanklin and played numerous times on Rush`s show.While serving as guest host of Bill Bennett`s radio show, RNC Chairman Michael Steele agreed with a caller`s description of President Obama as Barack the Magic Negro
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